Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Luang Phoo Tim

LPhoo Tim Atthasanto
LPhoo Tim original name was Tim Chum Chok Dee,born on sunday March BE2456(1914)in the year of cow.LPhoo was the fifth child of the 6 siblings.His father name was Prorm and mother Gim.

LPhoo begin his elementary education when he was a child at Wat Pit Ghun Ampher Bang Ban and stay with LPhoo Noi until he completed his primary 4 education.After that LPhoo returned home to help his parent to sustain a living.

BE2477(1934),LPhoo was consripted for national service for a period of 1 year and 3 month before he was discharged from service.

BE2478(1935),around January LPhoo returned home to ordain in order to repay his gratitiude to his parent in Wat Pit Ghun.There was LPhoo Pui Wat Kawit as Preceptor,Luang Lung Lhim Wat Poh Gob Jhow as announcing teacher and Phra Atigan Lhiw Wat Pit Ghun as instructing teacher.After 1 year,LPhoo disrobed and returned to help his mother to sustain a living.Later,LPhoo mother let him start his own family.After a certain period,important event in LPhoo life occurred which was as followed.

BE2484(1942),following the dispute with the French LPhoo was summon for duty again for 6 month.After the war was over LPhoo received a,"Rian Chai Samorapoom"or "Medal Of Victory In The Battle Field".LPhoo returned to stay at home for 7 month only and the 2nd world war breaks out.LPhoo once again was summon for duty until the war was about to end.

LPhoo returned and spend his life in maintaining his house for a certain period.LPhoo then started to get disgusted of it.

At that time it happened that plague was prevailing and LPhoo fell seriously ill and it was difficult to find a cure then.

LPhoo set his mind on the Triple Gems to make a wish saying,"Don't let me expire,I beg to practice a little further in this religion.Let me have the opportunity to help continuing the religion for just a little more and then let me die gradually I will have nothing more to say then."

LPhoo also affirmed to make his illness to get lighter gradually until LPhoo recovered as normal.When LPhoo finally fully recovered,throught out 5 years,LPhoo observed Patimokkha rules without fail.There was some other matter which make LPhoo to re-ordain for the 2nd times.

BE2491(1949)April 10,Phoo ordained at the Puttha Sima or ordination boundary of Wat Pit Ghun with Phra Kru Udom Samajahn or LPhaw Sang Wat Nam Tao as Preceptor.

LPhoo then spend his rain retreat in this temple to study Dhamma Vinaya and also practice strictly in samatha and vippasana.

BE2492(1950)LPhoo shifted to spend his rain retreat in Wat Phra Kao when Ajahn Dting was the current Abbot.

LPhoo needed to stay close to home and it was also a suitable place for practicing Dhamma because it was still a dense forest then.LPhoo stay in the hut at the centre of the forest and practice kammathana strictly.

However,something happened and LPhoo must go over to Wat Nam Tao to stay with his Preceptor LPhaw Sang for about 1 month.

LPhaw Sang enquired about LPhoo kammathana practice and praised LPhoo when he know the way LPhoo practice.LPhaw Sang instructed LPhoo in the way of kammathana practice very closely for about 1 month.LPhoo then returned to stay in Wat Phra Kao as usual.

Later,Wat Santi Garam(Wat See Kot) was short of an Abbot.The faithful villagers went to invite LPhoo to be the Abbot but got rejected because LPhoo was not happy and disagree with ranks and distinction.

The villagers then went to look for LPhoo Preceptor LPhaw Sang hoping that LPhaw Sang can help to speak to LPhoo.LPhoo fiinally give in and accepted the post as the Abbot for a period of 3 years.

BE2496(1953)LPhoo constructed a chanting hall as commemoration.

BE2498(1955)LPhoo continue as the Abbot because Ajahn Dting passed away.
Throught out the years,there had been continuous development in construction of the temple and community.

BE2492(1949)LPhoo sat for the Dhamma test for student of 1st grade.

BE2493(1950)LPhoo sat for the Dhamma test for student of 2rd grade.

BE2500(1957)LPhoo sat for the Dhamma test for student of 3rd grade or Advanced Dhamma.

BE2510(1967)LPhoo was appointed as Jhow Khana Tambon Nam Tao-Phra Kao and also became the Preceptor.

BE2512(1969)LPhoo received ecclesiastical dignitary from the King His Majesty to Phra Kru Sanyabut 1st grade as Phra Kru Sangworn Samana Git.

BE2520(1989)LPhoo received promotion from the King His Majesty to Phra Kru Sanyabut 2nd grade.

LPhoo Tim Atthasanto is a senior elder monk who is well practice and full of loving kindness.Hence,gain the respect and faith of all Buddhist and others people in general.Regardless of anybody who have the opportunity to pay homage to LPhoo it is considered as extremely auspicious to one's life and family.The amulets of LPhoo have together alot of kind all are efficacious especially in Metta Maha Niyom and Klaew Klaad.It is still popular especially in the present.

Real Life Experiences In The Power And Efficacy Of The Amulets
The amulets of LPhoo Tim have supernatural power that can be trusted which will pile up alot of experience.

Amulets such as phayant of LPhoo which the soldiers carried it all the time and stepped on an explosive trap and incredibly,it didn't explode ! There were some soldiers got shot until their uniform was torn into pieces but it didn't even irritate their skin.They merely got black-green briuises that all.

Phayant + Photo Of LPhoo
Mr Ped Panom Rung,columnist magazine of Yorn Roi Gam narrated excitingly that he went to pay homage to LPhoo Tim Wat Phra Kao many times.He rented a large phayant with LPhoo in the centre encircling by various images and scriptures or mantra.

However,this was a real incident of this columnist with experience he doesn't wish to come across again.No matter which life it is !

When he got the phayant he framed it up for worship within his house and close to it was another photo of LPhoo Tim.

A year passed by,there was a fire close to his house and he became panic.The fire was spreading wildly to the side of his house until it finally caught fire.He decided to abandon all the thing he treasure.He affirmed within his heart,"May I got only my life to escape,next day which was rather unlikely to find."

Before he want to run out of the house.He took a glance hastily and saw the photo of LPhoo Tim with the phayant hang at the centre of the wall.Seeing these,he make a last decision declaring to LPhoo kneeling down requesting for help making a wish at the fastest time as he could.He said,"Let this house escape fire damage for this time too."Finished speaking he ran out of the house hastily.

Does miracle exist or not ?.......I don't know !....Know only that,after he ran out of the house he observed the fire which was raging there gradually extinguished to his disbelieve.It was because the fire was able to spread to his house.It look like something went to extinguish the fire suddenly.

The experience that obviously almost had it exchange with ruin at this time.There is not going to be anybody that know better than him that," What actually was the reason the fire extinguished on it own before it could spread to his house."

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