Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Luang Phoo Galong

He Who Built 9 Ordination Hall With Merely Tagrud
DOB:10 Jan BE2461(1918)
Higher Ordination:BE2481(1938)
Pansa:70 years

"The object which I consecrated with my concentrated mind.Thereafter,it will have value that will exceed the value of gold.It will eventually be more difficult to come across than jewel."

Effectual oral or golden mouth of LPhoo Galong Khiew Geow regarding his amulets which were now popular and all the disciples had faith in.It can be declared that at this time alot of people needed to rent his amulets.

It was because LPhoo is a famous Guru Master and a pioneer presently in Thailand.LPhoo was famous not because of some pushing tactic,propaganda on a large scale or any public relation.

It was because the amulets consecrated by LPhoo was truly miraculous.Once you rented it the result is visible.All batches of amulets was consecrated by LPhoo with his heart and golden mouth eversince the beginning.

The Mysterious Occurrence Surrounding The Birth Of Luang Phoo Galong
LPhoo was a native of Pathum Thani.There was a mysterious occurrence which surrounded the birth of LPhoo.

There was a man whose name was Long Bang.He was a fisherman and used to search for fish nearby LPhoo's house.

One midnight,as usual Long Bang went out to search for fish.Suddenly,he saw an odd fire orbit floating infront of LPhoo's house.He followed it to have a closer look in order to find out what actually was that thing.He was there in time to see what was really very odd.He actually saw a Ruesyee leading a child to enter LPhoo's house !

Long Bang was absolutely stunned ! He raised his hands and joined his palm in gesture of respect and paid respect with full conviction.He then focussed his mind to make a vow,"If what I saw is real may the child born in this house definitely be a boy.If it is so I will quit my occupation and cease hauling fish forever."

Thereafter not long,LPhoo's mother gave birth to LPhoo and named him,"Galong".As for Long Bang he kept his vow and also kept silence about this matter.Eversince then Long Bang constantly kept an eye on little Galong discreetly.

LPhoo was born on Saturday,January 10 BE2461(1918) in the year of Goat.LPhoo was born with an mysterious tooth in the centre of the palate.There was also another special feature that was the tooth can be extended and contracted at will.It was white in color and as clear as glass.

As a child,LPhoo was intended only in study and seeking knowledge in Dhamma and occult sciences.

Following the custom of that generation,LPhoo used to follow his mother often to the temple to practice Dhamma.When LPhoo was fully 20 years old,LPhoo ordained in Wat Naboon Changwat Pathum Thani.

Guru Masters who passed down occult sciences to LPhoo in the past were;

1)LPhaw Nien Wat Naboon(disciple in the same Sangha residence with LPhoo Suk Wat Mak Kham Tow).He passed down to LPhoo the occult arts of Metta Mahaniyom,Kong Grapan Chatri and exorcise ghost.

2)LPhaw Seung Wat Naboon.He passed down Kong Grapan Chatri.

3)LPhaw Tong Suk Wat Toh Nod Luang Petchaboon.He passed down Kong Grapan Chatri and the occult art of gaining fortune.

4)LPhaw Chaem Wat Dtak Gorng Nakorn Pathom.Passed down gatha for protection and Maha Ut stopping bullet.

5)LPhaw Huan Wat Pradit Suwannaram.He passed down the occult art of making Palad Kit.He was also the teacher of LPhaw Yit too.You can said that LPhoo Galong and LPhaw Yit were disciples from the same temple.LPhaw Huan also passed down to LPhoo the occult art in producing tagrud.

6)Phra Ajahn Road(disciple in the lineage of LPhoo Suk Wat Mak Kham Tow).Younger than LPhoo but an expert in spell and charm so they often exchange occult arts.

7)Ajahn Teun.A friend of LPhoo skilful in making Puttha Khun powder.He has high level of samadhi.

8)LPhaw Gan Wat Coke Poh.Passed down the occult art of consecrating Chan Mhak.

The above mentioned teachers of LPhoo were only a part of it.LPhoo still study from many kind of books.This is to show LPhoo determination in studying the occult arts.It was LPhoo merit,fated to meet many teachers who were expert in their own occult arts and sciences.

When LPhoo study spell and charm of the Veda lineage with LPhaw Niem and LPhaw Seung at Wat Naboon until LPhoo was skilful and completed the study.The two teachers then wrote a letter to entrust LPhoo with another monk called LPhoo Kukan.LPhoo Kukan was 120 years old a Cambodia Guru Master at Sisaket.He was actually the teacher of both LPhaw Niem and LPhaw Seung.

LPhoo narrated that the very first night staying with LPhoo Kukan.A monk there was trying to test him,this monk was a local spirit doctor and also an expert in spell and charm.

At midnight,LPhoo was bewitched by that monk.He casted a spell on a piece of wood turning it into thousand centipede to harm LPhoo.LPhoo composed himself and used the tagrud he made personally tying it around his body.Together with the spell and charm LPhoo study from many teachers.

It happened that not even a single centipede was able to harm LPhoo.At this this moment there was enough time for LPhoo to cast a spell to catch the centipede making it to return and transformed back to wood as usual.

Apart from that,that monk also casted spell on charcoal to become grub.LPhoo recited spell to transform the grub back to charcoal as usual again.LPhoo knew who was that monk who tested him.

Next morning,the monk who tested LPhoo don't dare to come forward to face LPhoo because he feel ashamed.

LPhoo study spell and charm with LPhoo Kukan for a long time until LPhoo Kukan finally handed down the occult book of heritage to LPhoo Galong.The content was about Kong Grapan,casting spell on thing and releasing thing.Presently,this book was well-preserved by LPhoo.

Thereafter,in BE2505(1962) LPhoo shifted to stay in Lopburi temple at Ampher Patthana Nikom.LPhoo developed the temple by building ordination hall until it was finally completed in BE2515(1972).LPhoo then shifted to stay in Wat Khao Laem and intended to build the 9 ordination hall.

Presently,LPhoo Galong is 90 years old in BE2551(2008)with 70 years of rain retreat.

The Popularity Of Luang Phoo Galong
You may question,"who is the top most powerful Guru Master in these days."At this time all amulets enthusiatic will raise their hands and join their palm in gesture of respect with a thumb up to,"LPhoo Galong Wat Khao Laem Changwat Sakaew."He who consecrated and produced amulets which caused Thailand to tremble.

The Guru Master who was the most powerful in these days even in the period of the year BE2549 -50 where Jathukham fever was at it highest degree.The amulets of LPhoo Galong still received the same popularity at the same time.

What was the reason that caused people dare to declare that,"LPhoo Galong is the top best Guru Master in these days."There were many reason;

1)LPhoo had a extra tooth in the centre of his upper palate since birth.The same with Hanuman in the Ramayana epic.LPhoo was hence by nature,a miraculous monk.

2)LPhoo produced plenty tagrud following the ancient method which had intensified potency.LPhoo was able to build 9 ordination hall merely by letting people to rent his tagrud.

3)There were many different kind of amulets being produced with brochure telling the history in producing with extra instruction.

4)LPhoo produced and consecrated amulets with full power.Consecrating for as long as few months to 1 or many years until LPhoo was satisfied.This ensured the potency of the amulets won't diminished.

5)It won't be long that the prices of the amulets initially fixed by LPhoo will shot up rapidly and so will the popularity.The same as amulets of LPhoo Tim Wat Lahanrai in the past.

6)The experiences itself which occurred became the best witness difficult to deny.No matter whether it was Kong Grapan,Maha Ut,Maha Larp,Maha Saneh or luck enhancement.

7)LPhoo inherited the Veda lineage of Narayana which was very popular in Ayutthaya.

Most Popular Amulets
1)All kind of Tagrud
2)Sien Ruesyee Bucha
3)Phra Gring
4)Meed Mhor
5))Rian Narai Song Kru
6))Paya Mhoo Plik Paen Din
7))Phra Laksa Nah Tong

Miraculous Amulets Which Luang Phoo Galong Produced
LPhoo Galong was famous in producing miraculous amulets for long,especially in tagrud.Here I will introduce LPhoo famous amulets;

1)Tagrud Sangwan 9 rolls
It consisted of tagrud tone all together there were 9 rolls(should be 10)made of copper and lead with extra thickness.It used the longest time to produce.

Presently,it is the most difficult to come across because of the process in producing it.In the process,when inscribing each and every yantra and letters,it must be done with a concentrated mind in order to summon names and use the formula.Reciting gatha through every stages and section thus the power and efficacy in Kong Grapan(impenetrable by weapon) can definitely be trusted.

Apart from these,it support your horoscope and establish prosperity.

2)Tagrud Mae Tab Ghow Yord(7 sheet of copper)
It is an important object that was hardly came across in the present.It was because LPhoo insribed all 7 sheet of copper with his own hands.The 7 sheet were then rolled together to become one and bound up with string.

The stripe of the string also got it's meaning.For instance,stripe of obstinacy and stripe of impenetrability.It was a method of spell which LPhoo himself confirmed,"it's very powerful."
It have the power and efficacy in Maha Torahod( great obstinate strength),Kong Grapan(impenetrable by weapon),Klaew Klaad(avoiding danger) and good fortune.

3)Tagrud Mai Phai Ton(Bamboo Takrut)
This was an excellent tagrud which LPhoo mentioned have power of 108 variety.The power and efficacy of it's spell covered the whole universe.Following what was recorded in the book of occult sciences,it stated that the bamboo used must be cut down by thunder strike.The bamboo trunk must bend down across the ground and elephant already walked across it.

4)Tagrud Narai Plik Paen Din(Narai overturned the earth)
There were 9 kind of yantra inscribed;
1)Narai Plik Paen Din
2)Mek Kum Dow
3)Dtah Rang Ped
4)Tisarana Kom
5)Awud Phra Jhow
6)Itipiso Grong Tong
7)Nak Kum Meung
8)Nak Ped Lhik
9)Nak Maha Amnak

These were able to protect against all sort of weapon,accident,bad omen by mean of Klaew Klaad,Kong Grapan and Metta Mahaniyom(great popularity).You will gain reverence from other and it can prevent law-suit too.If there was a critcal moment where your enemies wanted to harm you.Let them come down and stepped on the ground first than recite the gatha of Tagrud Narai Plik Paen Din.Your enemies will not be able to see you.

5)Tagrud Narai Treung Trai Pob
This belong to the category of Vishnu Mantra which had the highest devotional meditation power,Maha Amnaj(authority),Klaew Klaad,Kong Grapan,protection against black magic and black mantra and ghost and demon will be afraid.

6)Tagrud Phra Laksa Nah Tong
Fully inscribed with Laksaman yantra on the string then pasted with gold to increase the power and efficacy of Maha Saneh(great enchantment) and Metta Maha Niyom(great popularity).

7)Tagrud Narai Plaeng Roop
It was produced from lead of ancient Cambodia which was melted and pressed into pieces of sheet.Inscribed with the yantra of Narai Plaeng Roop with power and efficacy to protect against all sort of danger,Klaew Klaad and Kong Grapan.It manifested the authority and power of a king which make the enemies fear.Latent with Metta Mahaniyom.

8)Tagrud Maha Lak Luay
Utilized the sciences of Maha Saneh and Maha Niyom of the highest grade.Able to make those who met you thinking of you or got enchanted.

9)Rian Narai Antara Kraj
It had the power and efficacy in Kong Grapan providing protection.It can increase virtue in your work with Metta Mahaniyom.

10)Rian Narai Plik Paen Din
No matter whether it's law-suit,obstacle in life or stagnation in work.Just concentrate your mind and recite gatha with this rian.Able to reverse ill-fate to good(overturn your fortune)

11)Rian Narai Song Kru
It has power beyond explaination.It emphasize on protection against danger of ten direction and prohibit it to come near.Protect danger which arises from the 4 elements and black magic,Klaew Klaad and Kong Grapan.It also can remove various evil omen.

12)Rian Narai Plaeng Roop
Increase in it miraculous power and auspiciousness to the wearer.There were Saneh,Metta,Splendidness and Klaew Klaad avoiding accident and danger.

13)Rian Hanuman Chern Tong Song Racha See
Outstanding in protection.Good in gaining promotion at work,there was splendidness and Maha Amnaj(authority)as King Hanuman will lead the deva to conquer the ten direction.

14)Hanuman See Gorn Phaeng Rid
The 4 arms Hanuman,emphasize on Kong Grapan,protection against enemy harm,increase authority and you can gain promotion at work.It had virtue in devotional meditation,impenetrable skin and alot of physical strength which was rather mysterious.

15)Rian Khun Ling Yok Khao Kichagood
It had power in Amnaj,Kong Grapan,Klaew Klaad and protection against danger.It's the top best science regarding warrior in the Veda art of,"Nee Pragasita"which was the doctrine of occult sciences.

In the book of military strategy appeared for the first time in ancient Ayutthaya the art of utilizing the power of the mind to use the body fully.Increasingly fully the human strength of an ordinary man a 1000 fold.

16)Sien Phra Laksa Nah Tong
Top best art in Maha Saneh which rises the fame of LPhoo to the peak.It was acknowledge as most effective in these days.There was power in Saneh,Metta and gaining fortune.

17)Waen Narai Treung Trai Pob
It had the efficacy in cursing the enemy and exorcise ghost and demon.It's an awful weapon well-suited to cleanse spell not suitable for business.Wear it on your finger when you are travelling far away and you will be protected.

18)Phra Phrom Suriya Thep
Whoever worshipped it will be prosperous in life

19)Phoo Ruesyee Sing Saming Prai
Make of metal,every metal will have slate,Sam Rid Korm Pan Pee(Mixture of antique alloy taken out from the cell of the Pagoda) and Nah Dtak Pon soil.Have high power in Metta Mahaniyom famous and popular among many people everywhere.

20)Paya Mhoo Paeng Din
It cause prosperity in work and dispel all evil spell

21)Paya Kod Cha See Ban Lue See Nhat
Lion King with extremely big foot possesses extraordinary strength,authority and good fortune.All these are the characteristic of a leader.

22)Payak Khiew Dab
Protect against danger and weapon.It had splendidness,complete virtue in authority with wealth

23)Tao Wessuwan
Chief deva and lord of the yakkha.If you worshipped it diligently your wealth will increase.Protection against danger you will be free from danger when travelling and able to avoid accident.

24)Phra Pidta Nak Tora Hod
Outstanding in Kong Grapan and gaining fortune

25)Phra Pirap
It has strength in authority,get rid of black magic and black mantra,exorcise ghost and demon and all kind of evil spell.If you are experiencing heavy bad luck it will be lightened.

26)See Pheung Saneh Maha Lhong
It emphasize on Saneh,Maha Lak Luay(Great Wealth),love between man and woman and good business.

27)Yantra Tattoo Of Luang Phoo Galong
It cause the skin to be impenetrable.The usual yantra which LPhoo tattooed was a group of Hanuman and monkey.It was because of the efficacy in great strength,Kong Grapan,Torahod Od Tone or obstinate endurance.Together with good wisdom,Metta and gaining fortune.

Presently,LPhoo don't do tattoo yantra anymore.LPhoo is spending his rain retreat in Wat Khao Laem Ampher Wang Som Boon Changwat Sakaew.LPhoo is already 90 years old with 70 years of rain retreat.LPhoo created and consecrated various kind of amulets according to ancient book of occult sciences which looked exclusive but imbued with intensified miraculous power and efficacy.This is where all disciples and alot of people everywhere have faith and respect in.

Real Life Experiences In The Power And Efficacy Of Luang Phoo Galong Amulets

1)A Novice With Impenetrable Skin Got Stabbed And The Knife Didn't Penetrate
This news was heard everywhere in Thai in BE2550.On Feb 23,there was a drunkard at Wat Suthart section 7 nobody know where he came from and he came to beg for bus fare so he can go home.

A novice called samanen Uan was going to take a bath.He begged money from samanen Uan but was rejected because he got no money too.Samanen Uan then went straight to the bathroom.That drunkard took the rice there and scattered all over the floor.

When samanen Uan came out of the bathroom and saw what happened he begin to cry for help.That made the drunkard mad and he whipped out his sharp knife and started to stab samanen Uan.

Luckily,with his merit samanen Uan was carrying with him,"Rian Narai Plaeng Roop and Phra Pidta Nak Torahod."Unbelievably,he was able to escape from being stabbed to dead.

When he arrived at the hospital.The doctor and police officer didn't saw any deep wound but merely scratches.Although,there was blood but he did not really bleed because the blood appeared like glutinous juice.

2)Tagrud Narai Plik Paen Din Prevented His Son From Being Stabbed To Dead
A noodle dealer went to rent Tagrud Narai Plik Paen Din which was produced in BE2547(2004) and he narrated to LPhoo Galong this occurrence.

He had a teenage son receiving stock alone one day in his shop at the roadside.Four in a group of youth probably old rival suddenly appeared.They whipped out sharp knives and stabbed his son but the knives couldn't penetrate.He sustained not a single wound but merely green bruises that all.

When that group of youth already flee I went in to ask him what good thing he had that made him impenetrable?

He told me that he had only 1 Tagrud Narai Plik Paen Din of LPhoo Galong that's all.Thus,I came here to rent some of these tagruds

My Personal Interview With LPhoo Galong

LPhoo cannot really speak clearly as his voice was abit coarse.Thus,I relied on the help of his disciples to clarify the biography published by Siam Beh but only a few question was clearly answered by LPhoo.

1)My first question when LPhoo was born a crow was flying above LPhoo's house and LPhoo's mother named him,"Galong".

2)LPhoo father was Chinese Teo Chiew and mother a Thai running a small business.
Ans:LPhoo didn't answer directly but merely uttered,"Er,er".So the answer is not confirmed.

3)LPhaw Daeng Wat Khao Banda It was LPhoo's grandfather.
Ans:No answer,but a monk told me that's not possible because they are only 40 years apart.LPhaw Daeng was born in BE2421(1878) and LPhoo Galong BE2461(1918)

4)One day,Long Bang came to reveal the truth about LPhoo Galong mysterious birth.

5)LPhoo only bath once a year and that was when Songha festival.

6)When LPhoo was 85 years old LPhoo vomit blood.LPhoo was admitted to the hospital and was pronounced dead.

7)LPhoo dreamed about Vishnu and LPhoo borrowed 10 years of life.
Ans:Correct.LPhoo told me he is going to borrow another 10 years.

8)LPhoo was born in Pedburi
Ans:Wrong.LPhoo told me he was born in Pathum Thani.

9)A Ruesyee lead LPhoo to dig buried treasure and after it was dug LPhoo used it's to build all the 9 ordination hall.
Ans:Correct a Ruesyee did lead LPhoo to the buried treasure,the disciple told me it's Ruesyee Saming Prai.And wrong,LPhoo told me he didn't dug the treausre to build the ordination hall but with the help from his disciples.

Lastly,LPhoo Galong didn't study Vippasana with LPhoo Somchai Wat Khao Sukim as LPhoo Galong was senior than LPhoo Somchai.