Senin, 23 Mei 2016

TaKrut PissMorn Nang Sur-ah

Batch: Second batch.

AJ Thongtang, ChaiYaPhum province

Color: Brown and dark brown

Material: Dead tiger’s skin and silver Takrut sheet at the back.

Year: C.E. 2008 (B.E. 2551)

Size: 2 cm x 2 cm

Ceremony: AJ made and use holy spell one by one piece.
Powerful: This Takrut best power to protection from danger, enemy and harm.

Biography of AJ Thongtang:
Arjarn Thongtang was ordained as a monk and studied magic knowledge almost 20 years with many Arjarns. He was studied with Phor Kroo Pram Suttho at Nakorn Sawan province for 8 years. Next, he was studied with LP BoonMa of Wat DaenKongKongWaNaRam, ChaiYaPhum province. LP BoonMa has 108 years old. Moreover, he was studied Sak Yant knowledge with layman and many Arjarn.
After success any knowledge, he had made amulet for his disciples. Amulet of Arjarn Thong has very powerful. Arjarn Thong Tang's magic power was focused on helping people succeed in running businesses and that many had experienced through his amulets.